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What I’d Really Like You to Know….

January 24, 2012

There are things stuck inside me waiting to be shared. My throat has been tight with the words for so long I barely notice anymore. There is so much I want you to know, so much I hope to share that I also really hope changes your life in a fantastic way!

What I’d really like you to know is that You Are Magnificent in every cell in your Being. You are here on this Earth with a special gift to share, you have a Brilliant Light shining inside you begging to be let out and all of those times when you’ve been scared to let it show are just a way to keep your Light hidden. Fear is very real and very strong. Its the dragon all those knights are always slaying in those “Rescue the Princess” stories. The dragon is here to stay, but you, you have the power inside of you to keep slaying it. It may be the same dragon always and forever or it may be different dragons, but always there will be a dragon.

What matters most in life is what you choose to do with yours. Your Light, your special gift, is the most important thing you came here to do. Are you going to let a dragon stop you from sharing it and feeling, literally feeling, that brilliant Light of yours emmanating in your Being?

Can you imagine what that would feel like? What it would feel like to glow, to radiate Light? Close your eyes and imagine it for a moment…or two…one more…ahhhh…want more??? ๐Ÿ™‚ YES!!

I want you to know the dragon shows up in our lives in so many ways. The dragon takes the form of food (especially when the food isn’t even food at all, but is basically ground yuck.)ย and the advertising/marketing industry and money. The dragon takes the form of gadgets and gizmos, the voices in our head or around usย who tell us we’re not good enough, or our ideas are ridiculous.ย I want you to know there are people in our world, people with authority, who absolutely put their personal agenda first and choose to offer you products and information that is meant to harm you, to blind you to the Truth, and they want you to stay blind so they say things to you to scare you.

Do you ever feel lost, like you have been running all day and gotten nowhere? Do you ever wonder why? Do you ever just want to stop running? Do you ever just wish the world would stop spinning and the demands on your time and energy would just “SHUT UP AND LEAVE YOU ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”???

Do you ever wonder why there are so many things to do and just why so many people around you are falling apart or barely holding it together? Do you wonder why so many people are sick with cancer and heart disease and why so many people are obese? Do you ever wonder when things will be better?

The world is in flux right now. Humans have made some poor choices for far too long and now its time to amend them. We are starting to wake up, to realize we cannot keep going this way. We cannot keep feeding ourselves fast, convenient food, and I’m not just talking about what you buy at a drive through window.

We cannot keep getting lost in all of our electronic gadgets. We cannot keep over scheduling our lives and participating in every activity we possibly can. We cannot keep doing this to our children either. We cannot keep living the life we think we are supposed to live and running from the one that is calling us. We cannot keep spending money we do not have to live this life. We cannot keep spending our money on STUFF the television says will make us happy, just because the television tells us it will. The people telling you this on the television want you to keep buying the things they tell you to keep you lost and searching, like a dog running in circles trying to catch her/his tail.

We need to stop. We need to detach from the electronic devices. We need to look and interact with people without a device in our hands or in front of us. The devices are meant for convenience, and they can be convenient tools, but they’ve become an addiction to a sad, depressed, and longing population.

We need to scale back our spending. We don’t really need two or even more televisions, all with cable or satellite on them. We don’t need to have the latest, newest, brightest, shiniest anything.

We need friends and family. We need support. We need hugs. We need to share, play, and talk with those we love. We need Love.

We need to keep our children home and find some friends to play baseball and soccer with in our back yards instead of heading to endless practices and games. We need to create relationships and bonds and experiences and memories. Do you remember, with fondness, the last thing you looked at on the internet?? I bet you remember a time when you really connected with a loved one. ๐Ÿ™‚

We need to open our doors and step out into our yards and feel the breeze and the sunlight and the rain and snow and moonlight on our faces. Our children need this as well. We need to sit under a tree in the shade or put our feet in a lake and watch and feel the little minnows nibble our toes. We need to take our children and climb rocks and wade and swim in lakes and watch birds flying, listen to their call. Discover just what it is they are really trying to say to us…have you ever wondered?? We need to lie under the stars in the cool night air, breathe it into our stuffy chemical laden lungs and snuggle our children, our loved ones, and dream about those stars, connect them, marvel at them.

We need to feel ALIVE, real, like the horse in The Velveteen Rabbit. Remember him? He knew he was real because he was no longer pristine looking. Do you feel real? Do you feel you’ve lived a full life? Have you really felt the Earth? Have you gone for that dream, no matter how crazy it seems to the rest of the world? That thing that tugs and tugs at your heart, but you’re afraid to acknowledge.

I know we hear this SO often it seems cliche’ now, but HAVE YOU????

I’d LOVE to know what it is your heart sings about. I WANT and NEED to know what it is your heart sings about. I promise not to laugh or tell you its impossible, in fact, I want to talk with you about how to make it POSSIBLE, how to bring it into Being, and I promise to be compassionate and loving.

If you need and want this also, contact me today, right now if you’re so inspired, and we’ll start that conversation. ๐Ÿ™‚

Wishing you ALL the dreams in your heart come true!!!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Brenda permalink
    January 24, 2012 4:16 am

    Time to slay the dragon! What I’d really like YOU to know is that you are amazing!

  2. January 24, 2012 2:35 pm

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚ The light is beginning to dawn! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love you!!!

  3. JAS permalink
    January 27, 2012 8:28 pm

    My heart sings for a day when my family will no longer be broken…Like that rabbit, I have found that sometimes we know we’re “real” when we’ve experienced something very painful and emerged on the other side, changed (no longer pristine).

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    A dragon.

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